Waxman promises quick action on global warming as Americans freeze

waxmanImage2 “On the day millions of Americans were freezing their collective backsides off, Democrat Henry Waxman, our new Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman, announced that Congress would fast-track climate change legislation. Waxman said, inaction on the climate issue is causing uncertainties that make it more difficult to emerge from the recession.”

In other words, according to Waxman our “inaction” to address global warming has had a fundamental impact on the economic downturn. Waxman joins the Al Gore fear-mongering chorus line chanting doomsday fantasy scenarios of the “supposed” global warming taking place as we are once again experiencing record-setting cold in so many parts of the nation.

If you think energy is expensive now, wait until Waxman gets his way. Playing on the public’s fear of “global warming,” we are about to almost certainly see a nationalized energy policy and price controls through cap and trade and carbon credits.

“The late economist and journalist Henry Hazlitt once wrote that those who attempt “to lift the prices of particular commodities permanently above their natural market levels have failed so often, so disastrously and so notoriously” that no one admits to wanting to try it. Then again, in those heady days, the Energy and Commerce chairman’s job was actually assisting Americans with their energy needs, not making it more expensive.”

The day Waxman delivered his statement, the National Weather Service issued a warning for Chicago about wind chill somewhere in the vicinity of 25 to 40 below zero. In Maine, citizens are expecting something around 40 below zero. And Iowans were warned that temperatures could drop as far as 27 below zero.

Apparently Sen. Henry Waxman expects these pitiful, frozen American citizens to pay higher energy prices to shield themselves from Arctic cold in the name of global warming.

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1 Response to Waxman promises quick action on global warming as Americans freeze

  1. Here in Virginia it got into the single digits last night. If the Democrats continue on with this global warming extremism they will demonstrate that they are woefully out of touch with reality.

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