"USA Today" says Bush focused on Iraq war his first 100 Days

USA Today recently reported on the sharp turn in the first 100 days that Obama has made from the Bush era. Says the USA Today,

In his first 100 days in office, President Obama has not hesitated to chart a different course than his predecessor, George W. Bush. Bush focused on the Iraq war; Obama has placed more of an emphasis on Afghanistan.”

If George W. Bush was focused on the Iraq war in his first 100 days in office, it must have been a war in Iraq started by Bill Clinton. The war in Iraq Bush focused on was the one started March 20, 2003 – some two years after taking office.

Then of course, there is each president’s personal style says USA Today; Obama, “the cool African-American lawyer from Chicago, and the back-slapping white rancher from Texas.” I wonder why USA Today didn’t contrast them as them as Obama, the black community organizer and activist from the south side of Chicago, and Bush, the former governor of Texas and the only president to have earned an M.B.A.

“It’s Mars and Venus,” says Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, a Washington, D.C., think tank. “It’s hard to find a more different contrast between the presidents.”

I don’t know…let me think about that for a moment. How about the New England patrician George H. W. Bush and the philandering hillbilly from Arkansas for contrast? How about Ronald Reagan, the “Great Communicator” versus the sniveling, whiny peanut farmer from Georgia? How’s that for contrast.

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